All tagged Graubünden

Swiss Love Potions

Swiss Love Potions

The Swiss have some potent elixirs for when they want to make a match. Two of the best are the cherry-flavoured liqueur Röteli, from canton Graubünden, and Brächere Brönnts, a golden caramel schnapps from the Emmental.

Polenta Dumplings

Polenta Dumplings

Marianne Kaltenbach lists these Polentaknödel as a Bündner speciality in her Aus Schweizer Küchen and drizzles her final, already cheese strewn, product with an espresso cup's worth of melted butter.

Bündner Gerstensuppe

Bündner Gerstensuppe

There are 150 valleys in the canton of Graubünden and each probably has a different version of this, the region's most famous soup.

Different meats and vegetables can be used, but the unchanging ingredient is pearl barley, and it's the texture of the barley that makes this soup particularly satisfying.