Helvetic Kitchen

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Royal Icing

Generally you need between 180-240 g of icing sugar per egg white (though it of course depends on the size of the white). I like to add a bit of sugar at a time until I get to the right consistency.

Royal Icing

egg white

icing sugar

Start beating the egg white. Once it is foamy and the runny, transparent part is gone, start adding icing sugar, one tablespoon at a time. At first this will dissolve easily in the liquid, then it will start to thicken up. Once you reach the pictured consistency, it is ready to pipe.

  • Fill your piping bag about two thirds full. When you close the bag, roll the top down away from the seam. 

  • Do not overfill your bag!

  • Often it is easier to just make a new piping bag, rather than trying to re-fill a sticky one.

  • Wet a paper towel and use this to cover the remaining icing in the bowl.

  • If you don't want to use raw egg whites, you can use meringue powder instead.