Hi, I'm Andie.

I live near the Swiss Alps, in Bern, and I love not only melting cheese, but all kinds of Swiss cooking. 

En Guetä!

Palatschinken aus der Donaumonarchie from Das Butter Buch

Palatschinken aus der Donaumonarchie from Das Butter Buch

Palatschinken aus der Donaumonarchie

from Das Butter Buch

Who could resist a regal name like ‘Palatschinken from the Austro-Hungarian empire’?

This is another crêpe-like meal from Das Butter Buch and it makes a great dessert or sweet dinner.

Palatschinken are simply a kind of pancake made out of eggs, flour and milk. According to Wikipedia, they have been made in Europe since Greco-Roman times. The name and filling varies from place to place, but they are enjoyed throughout most of Europe.

This version, purportedly from the Donaumonarchie (the Austro-Hungarian empire), has a quark filling studded with raisins. I topped it with plum sauce for good measure.

Palatschinken aus der Donaumonarchie

Palatschinken batter:

4 eggs and 2 yolks

425 ml milk

1 tsp salt

300 g flour


200 g full fat or half fat quark

2 tbsp sugar

the juice and zest of half a lemon

2 egg whites, beaten until stiff

100 g raisins

butter for cooking

Whisk together the eggs, milk and salt. Sift over the flour and whisk well. Let rest briefly.

In the meantime, whisk together the quark, sugar and lemon zest and juice, then fold in the egg whites.

Using a crêpe pan or frying pan with a little butter, make 7-8 crepes from the batter (this will depend on the size of your pan and thickness of the Palatschinken).

Roll up the Palatschinken with the quark mixture and top with raisins. Serve immediately.

(The Butter Buch also suggests that you can also layer the Palatschinken and filling to make a large cake).

  • I think that Palatschinken really benefit from being served with a fruit compote. I used plum here, but apple, apricot, or even berry would also be delicious.

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